You might be wondering what states are among the first to increase their minimum wages. Here’s a quick rundown of some of them. By the year 2024, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Delaware will all be raising their minimum wages to $15 per hour. By 2026, Pennsylvania will also be increasing its minimum wage to $15. While Connecticut has been paycheck stubs the first state to raise its minimum wage, other states are following suit.
New York
In the state of New York, the minimum wage is $15 an hour for all workers. However, it differs depending on region, industry, and size of company. In the hospitality industry, a Wage Order Summary is available. Information about the state’s minimum wage is available on the state’s website. For tipped workers, you can refer to the Wage Order Summary. You can also refer to the state’s Minimum Wage FAQs.
Cuomo’s move comes as part of a larger movement to raise the minimum wage in states across the country. The state’s governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, has endorsed a two-tier approach to the issue. In mid-2015, he convened a wage board that raised fast-food workers’ pay above the state minimum set by lawmakers in Albany, putting them on the road to a $15 an hour minimum wage. Then, in January 2017, he signed a budget containing the increase for all employees.
Many economists predict a negative economic impact for Florida if a $15 an hour minimum wage becomes law, and the state’s Chamber of Commerce is opposed to the initiative. However, a new study shows that a $15 an hour minimum wage would create jobs. The study found that workers are more likely to stay in a job with a higher wage. Those are not the only benefits of a $15 an hour minimum wage.
The Florida minimum wage is expected to increase gradually. It will reach $15 per hour in 2026. This increase is just above the living wage in many areas, including higher-cost states. In other states with higher cost of living, however, the minimum wage is much higher. If you’re in Florida, you’ll have to make extra money. If you’re in a low-wage industry, a $15 an hour minimum wage will help you make ends meet.
New Jersey
The state of New Jersey has a new minimum wage law, bringing the minimum wage in the state up to $15 per hour. Unions and left-leaning groups have been pushing for the increase for years. However, Republican Gov. Chris Christie previously vetoed a similar bill. During recent hearings, many businesses and Republicans voiced concern that the higher wage will cause them to lay off workers. With the economy still struggling, some of them fear the increased costs will cause them to reduce the number of workers they employ.
The law will increase the minimum wage by state 2022 for agricultural workers, domestic workers, and tipped workers. The new minimum wage will be adjusted for inflation starting in January, and will reach $15 an hour in 2024. While the wage floor is indexed to inflation, the increase will only be small. An employee working minimum wage would make an additional $270 a year, but that increase is unlikely to increase their purchasing power. This is because New Jersey is more expensive than other states.
The state’s minimum wage will rise to $15 an hour on July 1, 2022, putting the state’s average low-wage earner back in the middle class. This would reverse a fifty-year trend of growing wage inequality in the state. The state’s full-time minimum wage earner would be just as close to the middle class as their 1960s counterpart. The proposed legislation is supported by the business community.
The legislature should consider speeding up the deadline for a $15 an hour minimum wage. The increased minimum wage will help workers and strengthen the economy immediately. It would also show that legislators understand the pervasive nature of racial injustice and are willing to act on these issues today. Connecticut should lead the way as a state that supports a $15 an hour minimum wage for its lowest-wage earners.