Car buying can be stressful, especially if you are trying to get the best deal possible on your car loan. The last thing you want is to end up getting stuck with a high interest rate that will make it difficult for you to pay off your loan. We have put together 6 steps that will help guide you through the process of getting a better deal on your car loan.
Do your research
Take the time to research different banks and lenders. You will be able to see what rates they are offering before you even apply for a car loan from them, which means that you can compare their interest rate with other offers. The more familiar you become with how much money out of pocket your costly monthly payments will cost, the better off you will be.
Don’t rush into anything
Do not settle on a car loan because it seems like a good offer or simply because another bank is offering an even lower rate than what you have found so far. Take the time that you need and do not rush into anything just because of how desperate you may feel about getting a new car.
Get quotes from a range of different lenders
Once you have done your research, take the time to apply for a loan from several banks and licensed money lenders online that offer competitive rates. Just because one bank has given you an initial rate quote does not mean that another will offer the same interest rate when it comes time to sign on the dotted line.
Get pre-approved
Getting pre-approved for your car loan will help you know exactly how much money is available to borrow from the bank, which means that there are no hidden fees or surprises along the way during negotiations with dealerships and banks. It also helps you ensure that you can still afford monthly payments even if the interest rate on your car loan is higher than you anticipated.
Negotiate your rate
You can ask to have the interest rate on your auto loan lowered by negotiating with different lenders. The best way to do this is request that they match or beat a lower offer from another bank, which will increase competition between them and may end up saving you money in interest charges. Just make sure that you are looking for a reputable bank that will be able to provide you with an accurate quote on your loan.
Consider refinancing
If you already have a car loan, but aren’t happy with the conditions or interest rate, you can always try to refinance. You will have to meet certain requirements that the bank has set in place, but if you are able to use your car as collateral for a lower rate, it will save you money on monthly payments. You can compare car loans with Driva to make sure you’re getting the best finance deal possible.